An app featuring the Red Nose Day mascot, the famous 'Monkey', was sought after by the charity, with the intention to broaden the awareness of the charity and allow people to engage with the app, share and repeat!
Recognising the creative skills we had demonstrated across other app developments, Studio Liddell were asked to design and develop an app with an appropriately 'cheeky' attitude.
'No. 1 Monkey' was the result! An 'app' with fun at the core…. Have a laugh and share it!

App users get to meet and engage with Monkey, manipulate what he says through voice activated animation for lots of 'giddy' giggles and share with your friends.
There's also an innovative section allowing users to create shareable photographic content with their social crowd, featuring an augmented reality (AR) photo-opportunity, allowing the chosen 'pop on' Monkey 'badge' and phrase to appear on a photo as you take it… (ahead of its time?) which can then be uploaded to the user's Facebook or Twitter social media sites.